Thursday, October 22, 2009

more Missouri.....

Interesting....the temple of the Reorganized Church--it is built like a snail 0r mullosk because that is the best structure in nature????

A Holy Land....

A small room in the Carthage Jail and the jailhouse where you can still see the bullet holes in the walls. The prophet fell out of the second story window.

The original angel on the temple.


Missouri-the land beautiful!
Nauvoo temple.

More Missouri pictures.
Little Gracie May on her blessing day.

Adam-ondi-ahman Ahman was the name by which God was known to Adam.(an interesting tidbit) Adam-on-di-ahman--the place where Adam dwelt. It is beautiful!

One small room in Carthage Jail.

The family cemetary in Nauvoo.

Here are some more pictures from our Missouri trip.

Here you go cott-our Missouri trip in June or July. BTW we are so-o glad that you decided to come to Provo for your clinicals! W e're excited!

Little Gracie May on her blessing day!

Liberty Jail and Adamondiamin(spelling is off)

Liberty Jail was so interesting--walls about 4 feet thick with only a little hole to the outside. There were rocks on the roof, so escape was virtually impossible. They had only a small blanket for warmth in the winter and it wasn't tall enough for the prophet to stand up straight.
This is where D&C 121,122,123 were revealed to Joseph. I love our prophet and I know he was a true prophet!